Institut für Montagetechnik und Industrierobotik Forschung Publikationen
Comparison of Global Path Planning Algorithms regarding Multi Mobile Robot Object Transport Requirements

Comparison of Global Path Planning Algorithms regarding Multi Mobile Robot Object Transport Requirements

Kategorien Konferenz (reviewed)
Jahr 2023
Autorinnen/Autoren Lurz, H.; Recker, T.; Raatz, A.
Veröffentlicht in Proceedings of the 8th MHI Colloquium 2023, Chemnitz (accepted)

This paper presents a comparison of multiple global path planning algorithms regarding their usage in multi-robot systems. Most performance-based comparisons only focus on computation time and path length, which are not the most important indicators when transporting an object using a multi-robot formation. Therefore, we decided to add the distance to obstacles and curvature of the path as performance metrics to support the selection of a fitting global path planner for a multi-robot application. In the comparison, we included the PRM, RRT*, Relaxed A* and Voronoi path planning algorithms. Each algorithm performs a specified number of planning tasks and is evaluated by the planning success, path length, obstacle distance and curvature, which are visualized below.