Institute of Assembly Technology and Robotics Institute News and Events News
Team of the SPP2100 wins the RoboSoft Competition in San Diego

Team of the SPP2100 wins the RoboSoft Competition in San Diego

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The SPP2100 student team won the Manipulation Challenge at the RoboSoft conference with a specially developed pneumatic gripper. The competition consisted of gripping various fruits without damaging them.

The competition was part of the IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics and focused on applications of compliant robotic systems. Teams from around the world competed in the mobility and manipulation categories. The SPP2100 team, led by Ditzia García Morales, with members Lucía Flores Sarco, Miriam Walter, Anna Elisa Leal and Lisa Kesting, chose the Manipulation Challenge and took first place.
The competition consisted of transporting fruit such as raspberries, grapes and watermelons from a basket into a shopping bag, bowl or plate without damaging them.

You can find a detailed article here on the phi news portal.