Studying and Teaching at the Institute of Assembly Technology

Knowing processes, understanding dependencies, optimizing controlling

Especially at the beginning of the programme, there is a lot of theory in the curriculum: a real dry spell for many. With the bachelor project on robotics, the lecture on digital tools and the AML laboratory on soft robotics, we want to strengthen the practical component. In addition to the practical lecture on robot-based assembly technology, we place real engineering tasks at the centre of our teaching.

Knowing processes, understanding dependencies, optimizing controlling

Especially at the beginning of the programme, there is a lot of theory in the curriculum: a real dry spell for many. With the bachelor project on robotics, the lecture on digital tools and the AML laboratory on soft robotics, we want to strengthen the practical component. In addition to the practical lecture on robot-based assembly technology, we place real engineering tasks at the centre of our teaching.

Current dates for Lectures and Exercise Courses can be found on the Mechanical Engineering Notice Board